Yuhe Tony Song

Yuhe Tony Song


  • B.S., Mathematics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou (1981)
  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (1984)
  • Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Canada (1990)

Research Interests

  • Innovative remote sensing: Using GPS to detect tsunami scale and genesis; using GRACE Ocean-bottom-pressure to study ocean circulation
  • Advanced ocean modeling: Developing S-coordinate system and pressure gradient schemes for community-user models, non-Boussinesq ROMS, and multi-scale fluid dynamics
  • Coastal oceanography: Focusing on Asia Marginal Seas, flow interactions with topography, cross-shelf exchange, and coastal upwelling



Aquarius measures global sea surface salinity to improve the understanding of ocean circulation and the linkage with climate and water cycle.


GRACE, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, provide measurements of the Earth’s gravity field, including the variability of ocean mass.


The "GPS-aided Real-Time Earthquake And Tsunami (GREAT) Alert System" project exploits GPS data to enable more accurate and timely assessment of the magnitude and structure of earthquake

Professional Experience

  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1998-present) 
  • Bedford Institute of Oceanography: Research Associate (1996-1997)
  • Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Publications in Oceanography:


  1. Shen, S. G. Behm, Y. T. Song, and T. Qu (2017), A dynamically consistent reconstruction of ocean temperature, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0133.1.
  2. Moon, J.-H. and Y. T. Song (2016), Decadal sea level variability in the East China Sea linked to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, Cont. Shelf Res.
  3. Moon, J.-H., Y. T. Song, and H. Lee (2015), PDO and ENSO modulations intensified decadal sea level variability in the tropical Pacific, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120.  
  4. Song, Y. T., T. Lee, J.-H. Moon, T. Qu, and S. Yueh (2015), Modeling skin-layer salinity with an extended surface-salinity layer, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120.
  5. Susanto, D. W, and Y. T. Song (2015), Indonesian throughflow proxy from satellite altimeters and gravimeters, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119.
  6. Moon, J.-H., and Y. T. Song (2014), Seasonal salinity stratifications in the near-surface layer from Aquarius, Argo, and an ocean model: Focusing on the tropical Atlantic/Indian Oceans, JGR-Oceans, http://dx.doi:10.1002/ 2014JC009969.
  7. Yueh, S., W. Tang, A. Fore, A. Hayashi, Y. T. Song, and G. Lagerloef (2014), Aquarius geophysical model function and combined active passive algorithm for ocean surface salinity and wind retrieval, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119(8), 5360–5379, doi:10.1002/2014JC009939.
  8. Qu, T., Y. T. Song, and C. Maes (2014), Sea surface salinity and barrier layer variability in the equatorial Pacific as seen from Aquarius and Argo, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, http://dx.doi: 10.1002/2013JC009375.
  9. Moon, J.-H., Y. T. Song, P. D. Bromirski, and A. J. Miller (2013), Multidecadal regional sea level shifts in the Pacific over 1958–2008, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118.
  10. Moon, J.-H. and Y. T. Song (2013), Sea level and heat content changes in the western North Pacific. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 2014-2022, doi:10.1002/jgrc.200.
  11. Song, Y. T. and T. Qu (2011), Multiple satellite missions confirming the theory of seasonal oceanic variability in the northern Pacific, Marine Geodesy, DOI: 10.1080/01490419.2011.590110.
  12. Song, Y. T. and F. Colberg (2011), Deep ocean warming assessed from altimeters, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, in situ measurements, and a non-Boussinesq ocean general circulation model, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C02020.
  13. Song, Y. T., R. Gross, X. Wang, and V. Zlotnicki (2010), A non-Boussinesq terrain-following OGCM for oceanographic and geodetic applications, Advances in Geosciences18 (Ocean Science 2008, Eds. Gan et al.), 63-86.
  14. Fok, H.S., H.B. Iz, C.K. Shum, Y. Yi, O. Andersen, A. Braun, Y. Chao, G. Han, C.Y. Kuo, K. Matsumoto, and Y. T. Song (2010), Evaluation of ocean tide models used for Jason-2 altimetry corrections, Marine Geodesy, 33, 285-303, doi:10.1080/01490419.2010.491027.
  15. Qu, T. and Y. T. Song (2009), Mindoro Strait and Sibutu Passage transports estimated from satellite data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L09601, doi:10.1029/2009GL037314.
  16. Qu, T., Y. T. Song, and T. Yamagata (2009), An Introduction to the South China Sea Throughflow: Its dynamics, variability, and application for climate, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans47, 3-14.
  17. Song, Y. T. and V. Zlotnicki (2008), The subpolar ocean-bottom-pressure oscillation and its links to ENSO, Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 29 (21), 6091-6107.
  18. Zheng, Q., Y. T. Song, L. H. Lin, X. Hu, J. Meng, and D. Wang (2008), On generation source sites of internal waves in the Luzon Strait, Act Oceanologica Sinica27 (3), 38-50.
  19. Xu, Q., Q. Zheng, H. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. T Song, and Y. Yuan (2008), Dynamical analysis of mesiscale eddy-induced ocean internal waves using linear theories, Act Oceanologica Sinica27 (3), 60-69.
  20. Zheng, Q., Y. T. Song, C.-R. Ho, and H. Lin (2008), Statistics of internal waves in the South China Sea, Satellite Remote Sensing of South China Sea (ed. A. K. Liu et al), Chapter 4, 67-80.
  21. Zheng, Q., H. Lin, J. Meng, X. Hu, and Y. T. Song (2007), Sub-mesoscale Ocean Vortex Trains in the Luzon Strait, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C03021, doi:10.1029/2006JC003551.
  22. Zlotnicki, V., J. Wahr, I. Fukumori, and Y. T. Song (2006), The Antarctic Circumpolar Current: seasonal transport variability during 2002-2005, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37, doi:10.1175/JPO3009.1.
  23. Song, Y. T. (2006), Estimation of interbasin transport using ocean bottom pressure: Theory and model for Asian marginal seas, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S19, doi:10.1029/2005JC003189.
  24. Zheng, Q., R. Dwi Susanto, Chung-Ru Ho, Y. T. Song, and Qing Xu (2006), Statistical and dynamical analyses of generation mechanisms of solitary internal waves in the northern South China SeaJGR-Oceans112, 
    C03021, doi:10.1029/2006JC003551.
  25. Zheng, Q., G. Fang, and Y. T. Song (2006), Introduction to special section: Dynamics and circulation of the Yellow, East, and South China Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S01, doi:10.1029/2005JC003261.
  26. Song, Y. T. and T. Y. Hou (2006), Parametric vertical coordinate formulation for multiscale, Boussinesq, and non-Boussinesq ocean modeling, Ocean Modelling. 
  27. Wang, P., Y. T. Song, Y. Chao, and H. Zhang (2005), Parallel 
    computation of the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS), International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 19, No. 4, 375-385, UCRL-JRNL-211096.
  28. Song, Y. T. and V. Zlotnicki (2004), Ocean bottom pressure waves predicted in the tropical Pacific, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 31, No. 5, L05306, 10.1029/2003GL018980.
  29. Glenn, S. M., Arnone, R., Bergmann, T., Bissett, W. P., Crowley, M., Cullen, J., Gryzmski, J., Haidvogel. D., Kohut, J., Moline, M. A., Oliver, M., Orrico, C., Sherrell, R., Song, Y. T., Weidemann, A., Chant, R., Schofield (2004), The Biogeochemical impact of summertime coastal upwelling in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. J. Geophys. Res., 109 (C12S02), DOI:10.1029/2003JC002265.
  30. Song, Y. T. and Y. Chao (2004), The role of topography in coastal upwelling and cross-shore exchange: A theoretical study, Ocean Modelling6(2), 151-176.
  31. Song, Y. T. and T. Tang (2002), Eddy-resolving simulations for the Asian marginal seas and Kuroshio using the nonlinear-terrain following coordinate system, J. Korean Oceanogr., 37(3), 167-177.
  32. Song, Y. T., D. Haidvogel, and S. Glenn (2001), The effects of topographic variability on the formation of upwelling centers off New Jersey: A theoretical model, J. Geophys. Res106, 9223-9240.
  33. Song, Y. T. and Y. Chao (2000), An embedded bottom boundary layer formulation for z-coordinate ocean models, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 17, 546-560.
  34. Song, Y. T (1998) A general pressure gradient formulation for ocean models. Part I: Scheme design and diagnostic analysis, Month. Weather Rev.126, 3213-3230.
  35. Song, Y. T. and D. Wright (1998), A general pressure gradient formulation for ocean models. Part II: Energy, momentum, and bottom torque consistency, Monthly Weather Review126, 3231-3247.
  36. Glenn, S., M. Crowley, D. Haidvogel, and Y. T. Song (1996), Underwater observatory captures coastal upwelling events off New Jersey, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union77, 233, 236.
  37. Lardner, R. W. and Y. Song, 1995: Optimal estimation of eddy viscosity and friction coefficients for a quasi-three-dimensional numerical tidal model, Atmosphere-Ocean33, 581-611.
  38. Song, Y. and T. Tang, 1994: On staggered Turkel-Zwas type schemes for the two-dimensional shallow water equations. Month. Weather Rev.122, 223-234.
  39. Song, Y. and D. Haidvogel, 1994: A semi-implicit primitive equation ocean circulation model using a generalized topography-following coordinate system. J. Comput. Phys.115, 228-244. (Over 600 citations as of 2016)
  40. Song, Y., S. L. Das, and R. W. Lardner, 1994: Computation of density driven flows using the spectral method: Application to the Arabian Gulf. Cont. Shelf Res., 14, 1039-1052.
  41. Song, Y. and D. Haidvogel, 1993: Numerical simulations of California Current System under the joint effect of coastal geometry and surface forcing, in M.L.Spaulding et al. (eds). Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, 3, 216-234.
  42. Song, Y. and T. Tang, 1993: Dispersion and group velocity in numerical schemes for three-dimensional hydrodynamic equations. J. Comput. Phys., 105, 72-82.
  43. Lardner, R. W. and Y. Song, 1992: A comparison of spatial grids for numerical modeling of lows in near-coast seas, Int. J. Numer. Methods. Fluids14, 109-124.
  44. Lardner, R. W. and Y. Song, 1992: A hybrid spectal method for the three-dimensional numerical modeling of nonlinear flows in shallow seas, J. Comput. Phys.100, 322-334.
  45. Lardner, R. W. and Y. Song, 1991: An Algorithm for three-dimensional convection and diffusion with very different horizontal and vertical length scales, Int. J. Numer. Methods Engineering.32, 1303-1319.
  46. Song, Y. and M. Yang, 1986: Spectral approximation theory for multigroup neutron transport operators, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 6 (3), 339-352.
  47. Zheng, S. and Y. Song, 1985: Characteristics of p>1-order quasi-collectively compact operator and its applications, Science bulletin (in Chinese), 12, 896-900.