GPS-Aided Tsunami Early-detection System (GATES)

The GPS-Aided Tsunami Early-detection system (GATES) is an automation system delivering real-time NASA tsunami detection results.

The massive destruction and high casualty caused by tsunamis in recent history demonstrates the need for better tsunami detection methods that can provide early warnings to coastal residents and save lives. 

NASA GATES has three components:

  • Data-streaming technology:  A new approach to combine the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) measurements with global teleseismic data has been implemented to analyze large earthquakes in real-time.
  • Automated detection. Pioneered the technology of using the global positioning system (GPS) to track ocean floor movements immediately after a large earthquake [Song 2007], we have automated our earthquake algorithms and tsunami models to detect tsunami hazard potentials within a few minutes of the earthquake.
  • Real-time delivery: Delivering the detected tsunami location, travel time, energy scale, and escape maps to assist users at risk.

The main objective of this project is to demonstrate a case of using NASA technologies and data products for societal benefits.